Saturday, March 30, 2013

Necklaces, Bracelets, and EARRINGS Oh My!

Most of my working career has consisted of waiting tables as a server, mainly in fine dining restaurants.  Now you fellow servers may understand when I say having uniform "freedom" isn't too easy when you have a strict uniform code.  I have had to wear collared, long sleeve dress shirts for most of my serving positions.  This leaves very little room for jewelry....which was always an issue for me. But thank god women created EARRINGS! Without these glorious adornments my work uniforms would have been lack luster to say the least.  Long ones, short ones, busy ones, simple didn't matter....I wore a different pair almost everyday! To this day I still have more than I would care to admit.  Since I started making my own earrings my collection has only grown!

Many examples of earring I have created on my "Earring Board"

Earrings of all shapes and sizes. Some made with other necklace/earring pieces and with vintage accents.

Larger dangle earrings

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